Antioxidants, acids, alkalis and Cancer

December 24, 2016 | By admin655 | Filed in: Uncategorized.

In my previous articles on cancer, I did not discuss the role of acids, alkalis and antioxidants in detail. But the current hype about the wonders of nature basic water, antioxidant foods and medicines, I feel obliged to step in and set the record straight is currently available medical literature.

The effectiveness acids, bases and antioxidants in cancer therapy is not a myth. He informed the biochemical basis of modern research (SS Kim et al, 2004; Robey & Ian F. Lance A. Nesbit, 2013). The apparent contradictions surrounding the current flowing in the co-ordination of research results.

read articles (Web A. Bradley et al, 2011; Shi Q, et al, 2001; Silver, M. et al, 2011 PubMed) systemic alkalosis or systemic toxic hyperacidosis dominant factor in the development of cancer supporting. I also watched video presentations by claiming that the development of cancer just a natural cellular adaptation to a toxic environment, which is corrected by normalizing the environment.

These allegations, to say the least, unbalanced truths. By the end of this debate it would not have been clear that there is no basis in the treatment of cancer unjustified generalization. There remains a need for expert advice in formulating cancer treatment protocols.


First of all, let me say that the human body is not built over literally rust away like a nail left of the natural defense mechanisms over time. To prevent rust or oxidation, most of the macromolecules essential for human existence protected molecular oxygen or oxygen equivalents of hydrogen molecules (reduction). Oxygen equivalents are compounds which remove these hydrogen molecules other protective compounds.

They are also called oxidants. Compounds that restore these hydrogen molecules known as reducing agents. The two most important organic reducing agents glutathione and ubiquinone human body, while the two main oxidant is molecular oxygen and free oxygen radicals.

apoptosis and growth suppressor genes

The human body cells are constantly moving resting phase, the growth phase, and the multiplication phase. This entails an increase in the state of continuous reproduction and to all organs potentially grow to any size, depending on the natural growth. Conclusions by all human beings is growing giants. It would even immortality of human beings.

Fortunately, every cell has a built-apoptotic clock that ensures that die after a set number of days, making room for the incoming cells. Thus, the red blood cells, such as recycled every 120 days. The size and shape of the cells of the organs are limited both before date of apoptosis, growth suppressor genes (p53, namely, AP1, NF-kB) found in the nucleus.

Anything that prevents the functions of apoptosis and growth suppressor genes are apparently expected to unleash uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells of any organ in the body. This rapid growth in the disorganized and poorly differentiated cells, called cancer.

and suppression of the anti-apoptosis agents, anti-growth All called carcinogen. These may be chemical, radiation, biochemical molecules, acids, bases, free radicals, cold, heat, etc. But they all work by activation of the apoptosis genes or growth suppressor gene. They accomplish this by corrupting the gene encoding system so that the codes are correct (missense), or does nothing (nonsense).

Due to the incorporation

code is damaged by the wrong code amino acid sequence of a gene, or excision of the right amino acid sequence of the code. Consequently, the tRNA misreads or miss-detect the expression of apoptosis or better growth suppressor protein.

toxins, free radical and carcinogen

toxins are basically those compounds whose activity is directly or indirectly lead to human and rust caused by death catabolic or destructive oxidation reactions of the body tissue. The powerful toxic tissue oxidants are called free radicals (ROS and RNS), which is substantially free of ionized oxygen or nitrogen containing (O2 and N2)

When causing a toxin gene altering damage in the nuclear region of a cell (oxidative nuclear damage) of the then known carcinogen. As such, not all carcinogenic toxins. Aflatoxin (mold) is not only toxic to liver cells, but eventually causes liver cancer, which is cancer.

The detoxification process is primarily converts fat-soluble toxins secreted soluble glucuronides three steps. In the first step, the toxins are added together, and the isolation of certain bodies that neutralize them.

Then glucuronic attached to them in the presence of glutathione, a protective hydrogen molecules. (Note that the fighting oxidants carried by the hydrogen (unionized) decreased NADPH with a friend, while the acid-base balance of the enemy ionized hydrogen).

The free radicals may contribute to cancer by inducing genetic mutations nuclear oxidative damage or suppressing cancer growth promoting apoptosis. Third step is the selection of toxins.


compounds that make up the hydrogen molecules endogenous glutathione reductase and other enzymes called antioxidants. Many of these reducing agents naturally occurring in fruits and vegetables. Others are available as a drug extracts of plants and animals.

Custom antioxidants to target different steps in the process of detoxification. This is why a balanced diet alone goes a long way to keep your body toxin free. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the environment we live in, all full of toxins, including heavy metals. To survive as human beings, there is an extensive detoxification mechanisms.

Each body tissue is detoxifying ability, but the liver, intestine, and lymphoid tissues, and kidney play a decisive role. Thus, most toxins are trapped, neutralized and excreted in feces, urine or bile. Stagnation or blockage of the flow of these three bodies, usually leads to toxic state.

stressors and nutritional deficiencies that weaken the immune system can contribute to the toxic conditions that allows the microorganisms to multiply and additional toxic substances must be removed.

Successful decontamination requires a lot of energy, which comes from glucose metabolism. The biochemical energy can not be measured in joules, but ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The conversion of glucose metabolic process called ATP glycolsis.


aerobic glycolysis one glucose molecule combines two molecules ADP3- (adenosine diphosphate) and two molecules of phosphoric acid ion, to give the two ATP4- ionic molecules and two lactate molecules. ATP4- ionic molecular hydrogen gives up a proton (H +) to give an ionic molecular ADP3- which reused glycolysis.

The anaerobic (low oxygen) conditions, ATP is produced differently. One molecule of each of the phosphoric acid ion and ADP3- accumulated aerobic glycolysis without recombine to form a glucose molecule and a hydroxyl ATP4 + molecule. Two hydrogen protons of two bicarbonates to the end than the carbonic acid within the cells.

toxic acidosis

Glycolsis be aerobic, if molecular oxygen consumption or anaerobic consumed when oxidants. Both drives the detoxification reactions and catalyzed glycolsis or enzymes which depend on the availability of specific micro-molecules, proteins, amino acids and vitamins, cofactors such as their functions.

ATP has enough time to secure the organization toxin, enough carbon dioxide hydration breathing carbon dioxide (CO2) accrued to the interior of all cells constantly acidic. A highly toxic condition which involves the rapid proliferation of cells, this acid intracellular accumulates exponentially beyond survivable levels.

The cancer cells are known to quickly outgrow the blood supplies and go into a severe hypoxic conditions. That's why we need to quickly increase through the expression of sodium driven proton extrusion of proteins and enzymes protein nuclear HIF detected a sharp rise in cancer cell nucleus.

So by default, the intracellular fluid (ECF) for each cell acidic (low pH) and extracellular fluid (ECF), alkaline (high pH). It is important to note at this point that, while the intracellular fluid compartments exist inside the cells, the extracellular fluids are combined to form the pool in which the submerged all body cells.

This represents ECF pool intercellular fluid, lymph, blood and secretions from glands, which are incorporated into the circulatory system of the body. Any part of ECF acid or base to build the body is ultimately distributed throughout the circulatory system, which centrally maintains slightly basic pH 7.20 -7.40.

In addition to the mobilization of ammonium and bicarbonate ions in the central buffer system capable of chloride ions move in and out of cells (chloride shift), to maintain the acid-base balance.


In order to lethal levels of intracellular less acidity to the inner surface of the cell membrane acid sensors and transporters perception of acidity and cause increased extrusion in abnormally high intracellular hydrogen and retaining the alkaline bicarbonate ions.

This trigger is mediated by the hypoxia-induced increase in blood factor (HIF), and acidosis is probably inducing factor (AIF). HIF detecting this increase, the nucleus temporarily increases the expression of the Na-driven proton transport protein and the histidine-rich basic protein.

an ammonium radical of the basic amino acids in this protein (in particular histidine) serve as buffers in the physiological organic acids.

"protonation or de-protonation experimentally been shown to change the structure of the protein and thereby alter binding affinities of protein-protein, a change in stability of the protein to change the function of the protein, and changes localization within the cell (Schonichen et al. , 2013b).

are evolutionarily, should provide a selective advantage to cancer histidine than 15% of cancer somatic mutations identified in 2000 involves histidine substitutions Arg-His-to the top (Kan et al., 2010) " .

The core temporarily increases the expression of important proteins, enzymes that catalyze reactions in the buffer, i.e., mono-carboxylic acid, carbonic anhydrase, and aminotransferase enzymes.

In a similar manner to the outer surface of the cell is an alkaline sensors form the G-protein-coupled surface receptor, which also communicate with the nucleus to increase or decrease the expression of relevant proteins and enzymes. As tissue hypoxia reduces the expression levels are reduced by proton nuclear extrusion along HIF proteins and enzymes.

failure to issue a return to normalcy was observed as one of the hallmarks of the early cancer. What started as a normal adaptive changes will be permanent, because it is irreversible genetic modification that has been activated.

cell surface acid / REVERSAL

The maximum capacity of the central physiological buffer system to neutralize up to 30 micromoles systemic acid / g tissue / min, 5-10 micromole acidosis or alkalosis the base.

Beyond these levels, the body's normal cells are not able to pursue the buffer functions because the enzymes inactive. At this point there is a reversal of both sides of the usual acid-base distribution of the cell membrane, which is fatal to the normal issues. In some critical situations, chloride ions are shifted massively in all body cells (chloride shift) to rapidly dilute extracellular acidity.

but the gastrointestinal cells have the natural ability to survive in the presence of high extracellular acidity (HCl, pH 6.6). How successful this large extracellular acidity will be very important how the cancer cells survive the acidity of the large extracellular acidity within the normal cells to survive and multiply. Some cancer cells are known to have accumulated genetic adaptations that allow them to survive in extreme pH conditions (carbonic acid pH 6.6).

Stomach cells protected from concentrated hydrochloric acid is excreted mainly in the stomach structural barriers (membrane thickness, a thick layer of mucus, thick mucus layer). There are no natural inhibitors of hydrogen potassium ATPase, which catalyses the final phase of acid secretion.

In severe cases, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which is the natural barrier ulcerate concentrated hydrochloric acid, a stomach cells undergo insert cup intestinal metaplasia (converting ectopic intestinal epithelium in the stomach), the secret to neutralize alkaline liquids into the stomach.

Although there is no natural attempt to control the hydrogen potassium ATPase enzyme, medical intervention, like proton pump inhibitors (PPI) omeprazole successful in reducing gastric acid secretion in severe cases of chronic gastric acid hypertrophy.

Similarly, certain esophageal epithelial cells undergo gastric metaplasia in the stomach to become the face of chronic exposure to stomach acid during cooling (Barrett & # 39; s esophagus). By acquiring the lack of ability to control the hydrogen potassium ATPase and the sodium-driven proton extrusion monocarboxylate enzyme it seems to be important to the survival of cancer cells

early stage

IN cancer

it is important to note that the natural response to extracellular acidosis GIT depends on the stage and localization of acidity. Both cup metaplasia and gastric metaplasia has been recognized as precancerous lesions (carcinoma in situs). The early stages of Barret's esophagus, the structural response only to prevent the cell wall damage.

But when the barrier is not in the stomach, the answer alkaline secretions. A person will be helping in the previous alkaline water to neutralize the acidity of the added hypoxic cancer early Barret & # 39; s esophagus and chronic PUD, but does not prevent the occurrence of cancer per se, as proton cancer extrusion irreversible.

Every cancer is caught in the in situ stage is usually best to manage rather than surgical excision and radiotherapy water.The basic question is this: "Why should not prevent a prophylactic alkaline water metaplasia?"

The answer to this is that while oral intake cap Alkaline Alkaline out micromoles per gram of tissue, cancer acidic proton extrusion build provinces nmol per gram of tissue (a thousand times). Also, hypoxia and intracellular acidosis is not the only risk factor for cancer.

radiation known to be generally responsible for skin cancer, even when HPV is known to be responsible for cervical cancer. Prophylactic alkalosis has been reported to prevent any of them. Sticking to the hype that alkaline water is the best way to prevent and even cure cancer, people suffering from shortage of places early opportunity to really cure cancer.

intake of alkaline water helps the body maximize the physiological adaptive response to acidosis. Unfortunately, even the maximum physiological capacity of the extracellular buffers intracellular proton not match the extruders cancer.

Given that fits well with the cancer cells grow and multiply freely in adjacent non-cancerous cells are quickly destroyed ECF hypertrophy leaving more room for them to occupy. Thus invasive cancer has been shown to correlate with the degree of acid-base reverse across the cancer cell membrane.

The ECF advanced cancer compared to readings of acidity or alkalinity increased nanomols oral readings micromoles, buffer management have shown that resisted the cancer cells. One such example is reported ineffectiveness of a basic drug used in the treatment of leukemias and lymphomas doxorubicin.

Go to what has been discussed so far, it is clear that from the outside acids, alkalis can not be safely loaded cancer outweigh the resulting levels of ECF and the ICF. It is also understood that no pH balancing agents, can be used to treat both acid and alkaline detection sensor cancer.

a preventive or prophylactic intake acidic or alkaline liquids or foodstuffs preserved only physiologic buffer range when the adaptive changes are reversible. Unfortunately, at this point of the tumor resulting acidity had increased levels of resistant. Alkaline water prior to entering a person acid undiagnosed cancer detection is not likely to delay the tumor growth.

Similarly, prior to entering a patient diagnosed with caustic alkaline water sensor cancer encouragement and creates faster. Arum treated pregnant vomiting (vomiting of pregnancy), for example alkaline diets may not be the last in the face of large losses resulting from systemic alkalosis through the stomach acid vomit.

However, it is possible that some people can not fully optimized due to the natural buffer system, genetic predisposition, or problems related to amino acid metabolism. In such situations, an acid or base intake preventive supplements in order to achieve maximum efforts patient physiological buffering. It's easy to take in some spectacular results were observed in some patients whose cancer lesions at the time.

In summary, the management of cancer remains difficult. If you have a strong family history or occupational predisposition to cancer, cancer screening should be done early to look for risk factors and genetic markers.

Where there are proposals to cancer predisposition, complete blood tests, scans, biopsies, endocrinological tests and radiological investigations should be performed providers and primary care in addition to a group of experts, radiology, hematology, pathology, oncology surgical oncology, gastroenterology, and international medicine.



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Source by Otumdi Omekara

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